No I Didn't Say You Were Stupid I Said You Are Stupid There's Nothing Past-Tense About It Shirt

No, I Didn't Say You Were Stupid I Said You Are Stupid There's Nothing Past-Tense About It Shirt

It is amazing how intuitive children are and dogs, the two knew they were meant for each other and simply fell in love. He will always protect her with his life. Warm my to see No I Didn't Say You Were Stupid I Said You Are Stupid There's Nothing Past-Tense About It Shirt and parent letting that love grow. These two definitely had an immediate connection. What a sensitive and extraordinary young lady. And incredibly that sweet doggie recognized their special bond. You are a wonderful parent, she is a reflection of you. This is what we need more of love and acceptance the world could learn a lot from this little girl and her pup! Beautiful!


HOMEPAGE: Original shirt
