Some People Need To Open Their Small Minds Instead Of Their Big Mouths Shirt

Some People Need To Open Their Small Minds Instead Of Their Big Mouths Shirt

This essay will discuss both points of Some People Need To Open Their Small Minds Instead Of Their Big Mouths Shirt and explain why the authorities should not control the types of food people can buy. Legislators could impose laws concerning nutritious food in an effort to have a healthier population, therefore, decreasing public health costs. Even if this could be considered a good idea, it would be very quite difficult to implement. To achieve this target, the rulers could impose a levy on unhealthy food options, or reduce their availability on the grocery stores shelves. Many developed countries around the world employed this strategy and saw public health gains. In conclusion, even though the government is able to control the dietary habits of its population through taxation and restrictions, healthier citizens and reduced public health expenses isn’t the only possible outcome.

HOMEPAGE: Original shirt
