Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Mermaid Then Always Be A Mermaid Sunset Shirt

Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Mermaid Then Always Be A Mermaid Sunset Shirt

I have two rescue dogs. One was actually thrown over our fence into our backyard. When I take them out in my truck they start trembling and one starts crying. Always Be Yourself Unless You Can Be A Mermaid Then Always Be A Mermaid Sunset Shirt. Thank you for taking the chance to get that dog and save him he's so happy now and I know it makes you happy and I hope he has a great home I hope you adopt him or somebody special because he needs so much love now and I'm so happy he was saved and rescued and you're wonderful. My heart is so full of love and respect for this man who happened to be in the right place at the right time.

HOMEPAGE: Original shirt
