Chihuahua If You Hurt My Dog I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won't Be Able To Find You Shirt

Chihuahua If You Hurt My Dog I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won't Be Able To Find You Shirt

To me, it comes across as a way of saying that it's just a Chihuahua If You Hurt My Dog I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won't Be Able To Find You Shirt so it doesn't really matter as much as if they were being cruel to a human being. And in my opinion, cruelty is cruelty. And it's wrong no matter who the victim is. I know I don't know how they do it my heart goes out to them all the animals they rescue every time I read or see a story like this it breaks my heart. It hurts that's why all my pets have all been rescued off the streets or someone giving them up but I love my fur babies.

HOMEPAGE: Original shirt
