Your Knee Will Bow And Your Tongue Will Confess That Jesus Is Lord Shirt

Your Knee Will Bow And Your Tongue Will Confess That Jesus Is Lord Shirt

This poor dog is trying to protect this pup. I wish they did not have this dog!! it's obvious that the dog knows he is a bad man. Your Knee Will Bow And Your Tongue Will Confess That Jesus Is Lord Shirt. I read that these puppies were taken away in China and this dog got very protected from his last puppy. I totally agree with @Kwok Yan David and @Leia McCuiston, This video clearly shows inhuman behavior towards the daddy dog. He is scared and trying to save his last or leftover pup to be with him. I too have a dog couple and when they had pups, they never tried to save the puppies from me, and neither they were scared by me for me getting close to them or cuddling them.

HOMEPAGE: Original shirt
