Who Needs Santa When You've Got Auntie Shirt

Who Needs Santa When You've Got Auntie Shirt

If you can throw a dog out on the street, it's not a huge leap to throw a child out on the street. My respect for the original owner is not high, based solely on this video. Who Needs Santa When You've Got Auntie Shirt Thank you for taking care of this little peanut. I almost had the same experience with my dog. The woman was pregnant and had to stay in bed unfortunately so a puppy was not working out. To make a long story short, she is mine! Who Needs Santa When You've Got Auntie Shirt. I hope she's carefully watched after she gives birth as it seems she is already having anger management issues! I had the best blind and deaf dog. She was the sweetest little thing and so smart. I miss her every day. Most of my cats had some sorta special quirk.
