Buccaneers Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt
I have a few cats but one that’s looks just like him I call him Morris but his name is squeaky and yes that is truly living with a cat. This is so true. I have Buccaneers Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt. He’s a good cat & a good mouser. Has even caught a couple of snakes! My cats aren’t allowed outside, too many cruel humans out there! We built them a screened kitty porch with a kitty door and they have the best of both worlds! A great deal of time they just love watching from the window. Love when I come home a long day and my cat in the window looking down at me like about time u came home then run downstairs to get outdoor. Buccaneers Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt. Always have been more of a dog person but this scrawny kitten showed up In My backyard and the rest is history. I love him to pieces even when he gives me his butt while working at my computer and stepping all over my keyboard purposely blocking my screen view.
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