Fully Vaccinated You're Welcome Shirt

Fully Vaccinated You're Welcome Shirt

I lived with the Ortiz family for seven months like a Fully Vaccinated You're Welcome Shirt in the deep forest. However, the host dad Greg’s asthma got worse after winter, so he wanted to move to the countryside. It was unexpected and I only had a week to find a new host family. I asked my friend Danielle if I could live with her until I found a new home. That’s how I met the Dirksen family, my fifth family. The Dirksen family had three kids. They were all Fully Vaccinated You're Welcome Shirt. Danielle liked bitter black coffee, Christian liked energy drinks, and Becca liked sweet lemon tea. Dawn, the host mom didn’t like winter, and Mark, the host dad, didn’t like summer. After dinner, we would all play Wii Sports together.

